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The MCTP Finale At Your Fingertips

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總決賽足本完整版 一按就看到!

2021 多倫多華裔小姐競選總決賽經已圓滿舉行,恭喜各得獎佳麗!

冠軍兼Kingscross Hyundai最上鏡小姐奬:2號 林小海
亞軍:5號 劉辰言
季軍:6號 陳玥彤
美源髮采亮麗秀髮奬得主:4號 張蕾

錯過了今年多倫多華裔小姐競選總決賽的播放?別擔心,在 YouTube 上就可以收看所有精彩片段!按這裏重溫當晚加冕過程及各個獎項誕生的感動時刻!


Congratulations to this year's Miss Chinese Toronto Pageant award winners!

Champion & Kingscross Hyundai Miss Photogenic Award Winner: #2 Oceana Ling-Kurie
1st Runner-Up: #5 Janelle Liu
2nd Runner-Up: #6 Athena Chen
Bigen Silky Hair Award Winner: #4 Flora Zhang

If you missed the television airing of this year's Miss Chinese Toronto Pageant final, don't fret; you can catch all the excitement on YouTube! Relive the exciting moment when MCTP crowned its next champion here:

Congratulations to our award winners and a huge thank you to all the sponsors who helped make the Miss Chinese Toronto Pageant 2021 a huge success!

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