2021 多倫多華裔小姐競選總決賽圓滿舉行 2 號林小海雙料奪冠

Annual Miss Chinese Toronto Pageant Crowns 21 Year-Old Oceana Ling-Kurie As Its Champion

以潮流復古元素 打造最美盛事


2021《多倫多華裔小姐競選》 已於昨晚 (12 月 5 日) 圓滿舉行。2 號林小海雙料摘下桂冠及「Kingscross Hyundai 最上鏡小姐」,5 號劉辰言獲得亞軍,6 號陳玥彤則取得季軍。「美源髮采亮麗秀髮獎」得主為4號張蕾。


今年總決賽是由兩位本地出色節目主持蕭嘉俊及莎菲寶主持,大會的四位評審包括有著名模特兒王旖溪小姐、著名多媒體藝人林嘉華、著名藝人及2017 香港小姐冠軍雷莊兒小姐及資深攝影師劉信行先生,而大會核數師則為任志偉先生特許會計師。


今年的大會以「復古」為主題,由8位佳麗演繹風行古著,為觀眾展現近年來廣為流行的復古風 (Retro Style) 。在「復古」的主旋律之下,無論是舞台設計、佈景、道具 、色調,以至佳麗們的裝扮和服飾,為大家帶來煥然一新的感覺,與佳麗一起尋找美的定義!


1 號何思蓓以花旦造型表演粵曲「鳳閣恩仇未了情」,將粵劇唱腔表現得淋漓盡致;2 號林小海以古筝曲目「戰颱風」加上舞蹈演出,剛柔並濟,氣勢盡現,令觀眾有耳目一新的感覺。3 號胡永諭優美動聽的鋼琴演奏,以黑白鋼琴鍵譜出浪漫唯美的旋律,令人再三回味;4 號張蕾的肚皮舞洋溢着異國風情,動作優雅,魅力四射,富有韻律美。5 號劉辰言的Hip Hop舞節奏感強勁有力,從背景音樂到編排舞蹈也有份參與其中,絕不馬虎;6 號陳玥彤初嘗試鋼管舞 (Pole Dance) 舉手投足盡展婀娜多姿的美態,動作曼妙唯美。7 號時楊文婷跳唱「木蘭」,風姿颯颯、綽約萬千,舞出自我風格;8 號李孟的書法表演糅合水袖舞,剛中帶柔,身韵合一,展現中華民族古典韻味,别具美感。一眾佳麗使出渾身解數,編寫屬於自己美的定義。


在時裝表演環節,一眾佳麗將帶觀眾走入時光隧道,首先來到50年代的髮廊,3 號胡永諭身穿斯文大方的橄欖綠上衣,配以黑色短裙,既斯文又大方;4 號張蕾則穿上白色格仔套裝,盡現典雅氣質。轉眼來到60年代,5 號劉辰言穿上具年代特色的連身裙,加上白色長靴,活潑而酷炫;6 號陳玥彤則以紅色連身長褲出場,盡顯陽光活力。踏入70年代,1 號何思蓓身穿閃爍單肩短裙登場,雅而不俗,富有個性;2 號林小海穿上閃亮直條連身褲,既有小性感,又突出她知性優雅的性格。最後來到80年代,7 號時楊文婷以一身鮮色奪目的綠色西裝示人,自信而有魅力;8 號李孟則穿上粉紅色短裙,時髦而靈動,別具格調。各佳麗從容自如,不疾不徐,再次走到舞台上展現50-80年代的華麗風格,打破舊有時尚傳統,卻又不失個人獨特風格。

2021《多倫多華裔小姐競選》劃上完美句號。多謝各贊助商鼎力支持,亦為應屆多倫多華裔小姐競選譜出美的定義。新時代電視1台將在12 月 11 日 (星期六) 9:50am 重播整個精彩過程。同日下午,新時代電視 2台將於多倫多時間 5:30pm 播出 2021《多倫多華裔小姐競選》總決賽。有關多倫多華裔小姐競選更多資料請瀏覽大會網頁 www.TorontoChinesePageant.com www.facebook.com/MCTPCanada.

Organized by Fairchild Television, and co-organized by Talentvision TV, Fairchild Radio and Popular Lifestyle Entertainment Magazine (PLEM), the 2021 Miss Chinese Toronto Pageant crowned its new champion. Congratulations to #2 Oceana Ling-Kurie for clinching the Champion title and the Kingscross Hyundai Miss Photogenic Award! #5 Janelle Liu clinched the 1st Runner-Up title while #6 Athena Chen grasped 2nd runner-up; #4 Flora Zhang was awarded the Bigen Silky Hair Award.

In its 27th year, the Miss Chinese Toronto Pageant has never shied away from challenges and changes. Since the beginning of this year's Pageant process, the filming team visited more than twenty filming locations, completing the shooting process amidst filming constraints and social distancing rules brought on by the ongoing worldwide pandemic. Despite these difficulties, teamwork truly does make the dream work, with an unforgettable show in the books.

With 'retro' bring this year's theme, the eight finalists interpreted popular vintage works to show a new side to a familiar trend that has been taking the world by storm in the past years. Whether it be stage design, props, colour scheme or even the dresses and costumes donned by our finalists, they brought a brand-new meaning and look to a familiar tone.

This year’s finalists included #1 Sibbie Ho, #2 Oceana Ling-Kurie, #3 Wing Hu, #4 Flora Zhang, #5 Janelle Liu, #6 Athena Chen, #7 Cissy Shi and #8 Livvy Li. 

Seasoned hosts Mr. Leo Shiu and Ms. Denise Liang returned to the stage as the Pageant’s master of ceremonies, bringing charm and wit into the mix to create a fun-filled night. This year's judging panel consisted of famous television/radio host Mr. Dominic Lam, famous photographer Mr. Franklin Lau, famous model Ms. Ishie Wang and famous actress/Miss Hong Kong 2017 Champion Ms. Juliette Louie, with Mr. Alexis Yam, C.A., returning as auditor for the Pageant.

The talent portion provided an opportunity for the finalists to show off their special talents. #1 Sibbie Ho performed a Chinese opera classic from her childhood, while #2 Oceana Ling-Kurie’s elegant guzheng/dance combo was a visual and auditory feast. #3 Wing Hu’s incredible piano performance wowed with the complicated chords, and #4 Flora Zhang’s electrifying belly-dance stopped passersby in their tracks. #5 Janelle Liu’s self-choreographed hip-hop routine was certainly an ‘attention’-grabber, while #6 Athena Chen’s pole dance was a testament to her core strength and hard work. #7 Cissy Shi showcased her singing and rap skills, with the aid of nun chucks, while #8 Livvy Li donned a brush to show off her calligraphy skills.

In the swimsuit Question & Answer period, the finalists donned chic swimsuits and put their public speaking skills to the test with our Master of Ceremonies duo. They embodied the beauty of pageantry, both inside and out, and showcased their confidence to the fullest.
As time passes, fashion styles change along with it. Both #3 Wing Hu’s modest look with a gold top and black skirt and #4 Flora Zhang’s white checkered outfit showcased 1950’s style with elegance. Enter the 1960’s, where #5 Janelle Liu, donned a period-style one-piece dress and white boots, and #6 Athena Chen, sported a vibrant red jumpsuit. Stepping into the 1970’s, #1 Sibbie Ho shone in a one-shoulder skirt, while #2 Oceana Ling-Kurie’s shiny jumpsuit showed elegance. Last but not least, the neon colours of the 1980’s takes a front row seat, with #7 Cissy Shi sporting a neon green suit and #8 Livvy Li in neon pink. All eight were calm and relaxed, and once again took to the stage to show the gorgeous style of the 50’s to 80’s, showing that you can break tradition without losing unique style.

Thank you to all the sponsors who helped make the Miss Chinese Toronto Pageant 2021 a huge success!

If you missed the broadcast on Fairchild TV 1, don’t fret; you can catch the whole show again on the following dats:

-on Fairchild TV 1 on Saturday, December 11th, 2021 at 9:50am

-on Fairchild TV 2 on Saturday, December 11th, 2021 at 5:30pm

For more information on the Pageant, please visit www.TorontoChinesePageant.com or www.facebook.com/MCTPCanada.


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