
Athena Chen

年齡: 23
出生地點: 中國
身高: 5'7.5"
體重: 118 Ibs
三圍: 32”/24”/35”
學歷: 大學
職業: 學生
語言: 英語、粵語、國語、少許韓語
星座: 射手座
興趣: 跳舞、唱歌、 烹飪、 旅遊、繪畫

Age: 23
Place of Birth: China
Height: 5’7.5”
Weight: 118 lbs
Measurement: 32”/24”/35”
Education: University
Occupation: Student
Languages Spoken: English, Cantonese, Mandarin, Korean (learning)
Horoscope: Sagittarius
Hobbies: Singing, dancing, cooking, travelling, drawing

1. 最能令你放鬆的活動是甚麼?


2. 你有哪些人細鬼大的行為?

當我有空時,我喜歡喝喝熱茶、玩戳戳繡 (俄羅斯刺繡)、編織毛衣和製作地毯。

3. 選擇題:大海或山嶺,為甚麼有這個選擇?


4. 你會選擇哪種顏色來形容自己?

我會選擇紅色,因為我中文名字內的 “彤” 字代表着紅色,而我也是一個很樂觀、外向和熱情的人。身邊不少人也都會告訴我,我的臉上總是泛有一種自然的腮紅。

5. 最能讓你認識一個人的是? (例如: 言談、相處時的感覺、行為舉止等方面)


6. 你認為人與人之間的緊密關係最重要是依靠甚麼來維繫?


7. 你最喜歡的節日傳統是?


8. 你最喜歡的香味是…


9. 假如有一個水晶球可以告訴你任何事情,你想透過它知道些甚麼?(例如:未來的職業、未來的愛情生活、彩票號碼…)


10. 假設你要從書本、電影或電視劇集中選擇一位與你相似的角色,你會選擇哪位?為甚麼?

我會選擇電影《分歧者·異類叛逃 》(Divergent) 中的女主角Tris Prior。她喜歡嘗試新事物,在未知的事物中挑戰自己。這個角色證明了她是一個與眾不同且很特別的人。我覺得自己與她相似,因為我願意接受挑戰,跳出舒適區,勇敢地展示自己的能力。

1. What is your comfort activity?

I enjoy listening to music and singing along, especially in the bathroom where sound echoes.

2. What “old person” things do you do?

I enjoy punch needling and making rugs in my spare time. I also like to meditate and learn how to cook lots of different food dishes.

3. Oceans or mountains? Why?

I would choose oceans because I enjoy water activities like swimming. I also like the sound of waves and the patterns of light reflected from the ocean’s surface because it gives me a sense of calmness and peace. Additionally, I appreciate the quote “life is like the ocean, sometimes it can be calm, but sometimes it can be rough and rigid.”

4. What color would you choose to describe yourself?

I would choose the colour red because the last word from my Chinese name represents the colour red, and I am an optimistic, outgoing and passionate person. A fun fact is that I was told by many people that I have a natural red blush on my face.

5. What tells you most about a person? (example: the way one talks, how one behaves when you’re with them, their behaviours, etc)

I think non-verbal communication, such as facial expressions, gestures, body language and appearance can tell me the most about a person. If I were to meet a person for the first time, non-verbal communication could immediately give me a first impression of them based on the small details they show, which are typically gestures that people cannot hide from.

6. What do you think is important to building and maintaining a strong connection between people?

I think communication is the most important aspect when it comes to building and maintaining a strong connection between people. Whether if it’s a family, friend or romantic relationship, communication helps to avoid misunderstanding, address your needs to others vice versa and share experiences with each other to create deeper bonds.

7. What is your favourite holiday tradition?

Celebrating New Year’s Day with family is a tradition that is near and dear to my heart, as it signifies welcoming a new chapter to your life with the ones you love most.

8. What’s your favourite scent?

I like the scent of jasmine because it is a floral scent that gives a sweet and rich yet relaxing smell.

9. If a crystal ball could tell you anything, what would you want to know? (example: future career, future love life, lottery numbers…)

If a crystal ball could tell me anything, I would want to know when will COVID-19 end and when life will return to normal. I would not want to know my future because things will be more mysterious and exciting without knowing what you will expect.

10. If you had to pick any character in a book, movie, or TV show who is most similar to you, who would you choose? Why?

I would pick the main character Tris Prior from the movie Divergent. She likes to try new things and challenge herself in things that are unknown. The character shows that she is capable of various types of personalities traits making her a different yet special one. I am similar to her because I also like get out of my comfort zone and challenge myself in many things to build my confidence and show myself what I am capable of. Chinese