
Cissy Shi

年齡: 25
出生地點: 中國
身高: 5’5”
體重: 120 Ibs
三圍: 33”/25”/35”
學歷: 碩士
職業: 銀行投資顧問
語言: 英語、國語
星座: 巨蟹座
興趣: 健身、瑜伽、拳擊、唱歌、跳舞

Age: 25
Place of Birth: China
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 120 lbs
Measurement: 33”/25”/35”
Education: Master's Degree
Occupation: Financial Investment Advisor
Languages Spoken: English, Mandarin
Horoscope: Cancer
Hobbies: Working out, boxing, yoga, singing, dancing

1. 最能令你放鬆的活動是甚麼?


2. 你有哪些人細鬼大的行為?


3. 選擇題:大海或山嶺,為甚麼有這個選擇?


4. 你會選擇哪種顏色來形容自己?


5. 最能讓你認識一個人的是? (例如: 言談、相處時的感覺、行為舉止等方面)


6. 你認為人與人之間的緊密關係最重要是依靠甚麼來維繫?


7. 你最喜歡的節日傳統是?


8. 你最喜歡的香味是…


9. 假如有一個水晶球可以告訴你任何事情,你想透過它知道些甚麼?(例如:未來的職業、未來的愛情生活、彩票號碼…)


10. 假設你要從書本、電影或電視劇集中選擇一位與你相似的角色,你會選擇哪位?為甚麼?


1. What is your comfort activity?

Getting a massage or going to a spa with my friends, or doing workouts by myself.

2. What “old person” things do you do?

The are of ‘yansheng’, like drinking hot tea or water often, enjoying hot water spas and so on, is an ‘old person’ practice that I follow.

3. Oceans or mountains? Why?

Oceans. Oceans look like they stretch to infinity and beyond, and can cover everything (including mountains). I feel that mountains are too quiet and serious, and gives an impression that everything is very distance.

4. What color would you choose to describe yourself?

I would choose blue, as though many may say it's a bit melancholic, it can also be a very healing color.

5. What tells you most about a person? (example: the way one talks, how one behaves when you’re with them, their behaviours, etc)

Their unique experiences and their upbringing. The environment and family influences will shape you a lot before you even realize.

6. What do you think is important to building and maintaining a strong connection between people?

I feel that having common hobbies or mutual friends helps build a stronger connection between people. If there is nothing in common between two people, it would be hard to build a strong and stable connection.

7. What is your favourite holiday tradition?

During Chinese New Year, my family and I make dumplings and play mah-jong. These traditions make me treasure the time I spend with family.

8. What’s your favourite scent?

The scent of my clean clothes.

9. If a crystal ball could tell you anything, what would you want to know? (example: future career, future love life, lottery numbers…)

Before I see your example, I would say future love life because this is super unpredictable; but after seeing the examples you provided, definitely lottery number!

10. If you had to pick any character in a book, movie, or TV show who is most similar to you, who would you choose? Why?

Mulan, because she cares her family the most but also never fear of challenges in her life, and she is also super brave.