
It All Ends Tomorrow!

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今年共有5個獎項包括冠亞季軍、「Kingscross Hyundai 最上鏡小姐」奬及「美源髮采亮麗秀髮獎」!究竟各個獎項花落誰家?聽晚 (12月5日) 自有分曉!

一齊見證最美時刻,記得留意收看聽晚新時代電視1台 9PM 2021 《多倫多華裔小姐競選》總決賽!

多倫多華裔小姐競選幕後花絮將不定時更新,想要知道幕後內容 就要Follow @MCTPCanada Facebook、微博及Instagram!

It all ends TOMORROW (December 5th)! Make sure you tune in to Fairchild TV 1 at 9pm to find out who will grasp the Champion title! And which finalist will be the recipient of the Miss Photogenic Award and the Bigen Silky Hair Award ?

Want more behind-the-scenes tidbits? Make sure you follow MCTP on social media: Facebook, Weibo and Instagram!

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