吃貨女生更懂得照顧自己及身邊人的胃口 | #4 張蕾 Flora Zhang

Food Is The Way To #4 Flora Zhang's Heart

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吃貨女生總有一種莫名的吸引力,更別說是愛下廚的人。除了享受食物時的滿足外,看4號 張蕾 Flora Zhang在製作美食的過程中更多了一份獨立和自主,就可以知道喜歡烹飪的女生都有一顆細膩的心!

多方面的多倫多華裔小姐競選幕後花絮將不定時更新,最有趣的多倫多華姐幕後內容 就要follow @MCTPCanada Facebook、微博 及 Instagram!

Food is always the way to the heart, but the process of making it may be even sweeter! In addition to watching the fruits of your labour be enjoyed by those close to you, seeing #4Flora Zhang's growth during the process is just as exciting.

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