你的名字 美的定義

Be You, Be True!

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Be You, Be True!



由新時代電視主辦,城市電視、加拿大中文電台及娛樂生活雜誌協辦之 2021《多倫多華裔小姐競選》招募行動現正熱烈進行!   


晉級總決賽的佳麗將接受一連串密集式訓練,當中包括形象塑造、儀態、護膚保養、彩妝技巧、髮型改造、舞蹈等…由大會指定專業團隊指導,務求讓各候選佳麗在 2021《多倫多華裔小姐競選》中蛻變,展現多元美態,綻放妍姿嬌美的一面,成為更好的自己,訓練期間的群體生活更為人生路上加添燦爛一頁。 

如果妳擁有出水芙蓉的外在與蕙質蘭心的內涵,請把握機會,改寫人生,讓你的青春不再留白,讓這決定成為你人生中美好的選擇。踏出第一步報名參加 2021《多倫多華裔小姐競選》,或推薦身邊符合條件的女性參加。報名請於截止日期 2021年8月30日(星期一)下午六點前登上 2021《多倫多華裔小姐競選》網站或於8月30日當天下午兩點至六點親臨新時代電視台遞交報名表格,詳情可致電  (905) 889-8090 查詢。無需羨慕,妍續最美態度,踏出勇敢一步,成就自己的理想道路。



(一) 參選者必須為未結婚、從未懷孕的女性;



(四) 參選者必須有提名人推薦。

Deadline To Apply Is August 30th, 2021 at 6pm EST

Organized by Fairchild Television, and co-organized by Talentvision, Fairchild Radio and Popular Lifestyle Entertainment Magazine (PLEM), the highly-anticipated Miss Chinese Toronto Pageant 2021 is back again! Recruitment for this year’s Miss Chinese Toronto Pageant is officially well underway.

Want to step out of your comfort zone and experience a challenge like no other? Life is full of opportunities; it’s time for you to grasp yours. 

Through a vast array of professional training sessions in quintessential fields from image to mannerisms, skincare to makeup, and more, this year’s Miss Chinese Toronto Pageant 2021 finalists can blossom and reach their maximum potential on or off the stage. Embrace this new chapter in your story; turn the pages and embody poise and beauty as you continue on this exciting adventure.

The deadline to submit an application to this year’s Miss Chinese Toronto Pageant 2021 is August 30th, 2021 at 6pm EST. 

The application form for Miss Chinese Toronto Pageant 2021 can be found below.

Hard-copy forms can also be obtained and submitted at the Fairchild Television, Talentvision and Fairchild Radio Toronto offices on Monday, August 30th, 2021 between the hours of 2pm and 6pm EST. For more details, please call 905-889-8090. 

Applicants must be Canadian residents and must be recommended by a nominator.  

Applicants must satisfy the following requirements:

1) Applicant must be a woman who is unmarried and has never been pregnant;

2) Applicant must be 17 years old before August 1st, 2021 and not exceed 28 years old (calculated in the Western calendar) before February 28th, 2022;

3) Applicant must be Canadian residents on the date of signing the registration form, and have resided in Canada for six months or more, or have stayed in Canada for a total of one year or more;

4) Applicants must be nominated by a nominator.

More details on applicant requirement can be found on the application form below.

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